Commitment to Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism

Our commitment to the inherent dignity of all individuals is grounded in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Ontario’s Human Rights Code.

The Whitby Public Library supports the CFLA-FCAB’s Position Statement on Diversity and Inclusion prepared by the Canadian Federation of Library Associations which states:  

“The Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA-FCAB) believes that a diverse and pluralistic society is central to our country’s identity. Libraries have a responsibility to contribute to a culture that recognizes diversity and fosters social inclusion. Libraries strive to deliver inclusive service.  

Canada’s libraries recognize and energetically affirm the dignity of those they serve, regardless of heritage, education, beliefs, race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental capabilities, or income.  

Libraries understand that an acceptance of differences can place individual and collective values in conflict. Libraries are committed to tolerance and understanding. Libraries act to ensure that people can enjoy services free from any attempt by others to impose values, customs or beliefs.”


Key Actions

  • Partner with diverse organizations and groups within our community for events, displays, and to create awareness in alignment with library policies.
  • Collaborate and build relationships with diverse organizations, committees, and community groups.  
  • Provide a respectful and inclusive environment for all individuals and communities free of harassment and discrimination.  
  • Conduct regular reviews of library policies and procedures to ensure they align with principles of diversity and inclusion.
  • Ensure the use of inclusive language and accessible formatting for both internal and external communications.
  • Provide training and ongoing learning opportunities for staff with regards to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism.
  • Conduct Diversity Audits of our collections on an ongoing basis.
  • Order diverse library materials that reflect a multitude of ideas, identities, and opinions.
  • Stand firmly behind the values of Intellectual Freedom.
  • Connect patrons with resources in accessible forms and formats.
  • Assess library services, programs, and spaces to identify and remove barriers for marginalized communities.  
  • Ensure barrier-free recruitment and an equitable hiring process as part of being an equal opportunity employer.  
  • Actively engage the community for feedback regarding our programs and services.


We acknowledge that this work is ongoing and there is always room to improve. We value your feedback as it helps us continue this essential work. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please feel free to send your thoughts to